One of the biggest achievements by the Lions Club was the development of Pioneer Park and the building thereon of the Lions Shed/Op Shop. The project has been ongoing over many years with the planting of the trees, building of the niche wall, pathways and a bridge over the creek leading up to the wishing well and how could you forget the rump on a stump. Provision of electric barbeques, power and lighting, reticulation and a staged area for concerts in the park and restoration of the old 23 mile site which was used by early surveyors, horse and bullock teams and travellers on the Busselton-Karridale track and the original settlers of Group 12. Honouring the Draught Horses, a stone monument and plaque, in recognition of their many attributes in the development of the district.
The area is enjoyed by many people passing through town. Lions have since handed over the maintenance of the Pioneer Park to the Shire of Augusta Margaret River who do a superb job of caring for the amenity.
The first Cowaramup Lions Australia Day Big Breakfast took place in 1989 and has become a highlight on the Cowaramup events calendar since. We join in partnership with the Shire of Augusta Margaret River and welcome new Australian Citizens to Cowaramup and recognise all our peoples, past and present who have contributed towards the Australia we know today. It is a day when the Cowaramup Lions recognise all things Australian and celebrate the Col Duggan Citizen of the Year Award and the Cowaramup Community Men’s Shed present the Kevan Gray Young Achiever Award.
The Lions Village Project on Waverley Road is a joint venture partnership with Department of Communities on land donated by Lorna and Lion Colin Duggan for the provision of units for Seniors. The Village is one of the Club’s finest achievements. The rodeos were a big fundraiser to get the Village started. In 1999 the Village consisted of eight dwellings and was officially opened by the then Shire President Ron Watt. Three additional units were constructed in 2007.
In 2012 Loraine Teasdale came up with the idea to acknowledge the pioneers that established and built the dairy industry. The Cowaramup Lions Club proudly supported the local community project which saw the arrival of 42 life size Friesian cows and calves. The cows are replicas of many local cows of the time and have been lovingly painted by local residents. They all look amazing and are one of the most popular attractions in the town. The Cows are celebrated each year in July with the Deja Moo – A LegendDairy Country Fair.
Plans commenced at the old saleyard site for the Cowaramup Community Men’s Shed Project in 2012 and the official opening took place in 2014. There are many benefits of a men’s shed which assist in strengthening men’s health and general wellbeing through community and enhancing self-esteem and more importantly increasing access to specific information about health. A place where men can gather, join in activities, and have a chat about what is on their minds. There is a designated day for ladies too. The Men’s Shed have operated as a separate entity from Lions for some time now and are a great asset to the Community.
The skate park reached completion in 2014 and is in constant use by the youth of the town. The project was a joint venture between the Lions of Cowaramup, the Shire of Augusta Margaret River and the Department for Sport and Recreation.
The Lions Club of Cowaramup Community Garden was created as part of the Lions Centennial Project, celebrating 100 years of Lions. The garden is well established these days and is self-sufficient. There is a demand from local community groups to access workshops at the garden which encourages knowledge sharing and an environment that practices sustainability and minimises environmental impacts. A diverse group of presenters who are passionate about their fields, are more than happy to come along and share with the community. There have been a number of successful gatherings, and all members of the community are welcome. There are several events planned for 2023-2024 such as growing your own seedlings, the “science” of composting, mushroom growing, propagating native plants, and pruning. Swap Share Shuffle happens every third Sunday at the Garden. Everyone is welcome.
The railway siding hosts three aged railway cars sourced from Pemberton; they have been lovingly restored. The internal walls of the siding building have a wealth of knowledge for you to enjoy. The Railway siding project is an acknowledgement of when Rail was the only form of transporting goods and produce to and from the South West.
Situated in Pioneer Park, Cowaramup, the information bay provides visitors and locals alike a snapshot of the history of the area dating back to the evidence of the Noongar people existing 48,000 years ago. The establishment of the 23 Mile Well and the 1920 Group Settlement Scheme. It shows how the Dairy Industry started in earnest in 1920 which in the following years went through some dramatic times and hardships. There is information relating to timber, beef, sheep, and the wool industries. The wine Industry arrived in the 1960’s which has changed the area’s prosperity and tourism forever. The local beaches are known for being some of the best surfing spots in the world. There is space for local businesses to advertise too, at a very reasonable rate.
This project was initially part of the Lions Centennial and has been an ongoing project for a number of years, but it is nearing completion. The last signs of the Heritage Trail are being installed and an official launch will occur when completed. Sincere thanks to Lion Merv Smith (sadly deceased), his wife Jan and Val McAuslane.
Our Lions Club has been participating in the Lions Eye Health Project providing Children’s vision screening at local primary schools since 2021. Anyone in the community can become a screener.
FACTS about Children’s Vision
1 in 5 Children have an undetected vision problem. Lions Vision Screening teams are operational in every Australian State and Territory.
Vision disorders can have a profound effect on a child’s growth and development.
Up to 80% of a child’s learning happens through their eyes.
Most children accept vision problems and adapt. They rarely complain as they believe everyone sees the world just like they do.
Once detected, most eye conditions in children can be easily corrected.
Along with allergies and asthma, eye disorders are the most common health conditions suffered by children.
All children should have a full eye examination before starting school and regularly as they progress through their education.
Contact us if you are interested. As well as the Cowaramup Primary School, our club assists at other schools between Busselton to Augusta
The Lions Skin Cancer Screening and Hearing buses visit every 18 months to 2 years providing a very valuable service to the community. We look forward to their visits in early 2025.